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Remote Control API


LUST-motion is discoverable by MDNS services und advertises a stroking service. This can be used to identify the device on the local network and establish connections with it. The following service texts provide further information:

Text Information
FirmwareVersion Currently used firmware version to adjust for API versions and capabilities
DeviceID Unique device ID

Stateful Services

Stateful services offer direct control over the machine and can be reached via a RESTful API. Some stateful services are also offered through a websocket server or MQTT. All changes are internally synchronized and propagated back to all clients. Redundant messages which do not change any internal state are filtered out and not propagated.

⚠️ IMPORTANT: There is a rate limit to these updates. You should avoid more then 10 Hz, otherwise the API might become unstable and could cause a fatal crash.

StrokeEngine Control

The main control API to control LUST-motion. Starts and stops the motion, changes the main parameters depth, stroke, speed and sensation. Also allows the selection of a pattern, or if the streaming interfaces should be used as input source for the motion generation. In addition it provides the possibility to override the vibration overlay with fixed costume values. If enabled, vibration commands from pattern or streaming are ignored.

Defined in StrokeEngineControlService.h

Method URL Authentication
GET /rest/control NONE_REQUIRED
POST /rest/control NONE_REQUIRED
WS /ws/control NONE_REQUIRED
Parameter Type Range Info Failure Mode
command string {command} Controls the machine like start a pattern, activate streaming or stop it. Commands are not case sensitive STOP
depth number 0.0 - travel maximum depth of the motion truncated into range
stroke number 0.0 - travel length of the stroke truncated into range
rate number 0.0 - max_rate rate in strokes per minute truncated into range
sensation number -100.0 - +100.0 affects the feeling of a pattern truncated into range
pattern string - name of a pattern in the pattern array returned by StrokeEngine Environment API ignored
vibration_override boolean true / false overrides the vibration overlay with these parameters. Vibration commands from pattern or streaming will be ignored false
vibration_amplitude number 0.0 - 5.0 amplitude of a vibration overlay, 0.0 == off truncated into range
vibration_frequency number 10.0 - 50.0 frequency in HZ of the vibration overlay truncated into range
Command Description
"STOP" Stops the machine instantly
"retract" Moves the endeffector to the far end (home position) with a safe speed
"depth" Retracts the motor to the home position with the ease-in speed. This is the default state after the motor is homed.
"stroke" Moves the motor to the depth-stroke position a.k.a. the start of the stroke with the ease-in speed. Whenever the parameter stroke is changed, the motor will move to the new depth-stroke.
"playpattern" Starts the pattern generator and runs the pattern.
"strokestream" Starts the stream input and interprets them as trapezoidal moves with 1/3 acceleration, 1/3 constant speed and 1/3 deceleration. The stream input is interpreted as relative positions on the scale [0.0 - 1.0] and mapped to [depth, depth-stroke].
"positionstream Starts the stream input and interprets them as relative positions on the scale [0.0 - 1.0] and maps them to [depth, depth-stroke].


    "command": "STOP",
    "depth": 120.0,
    "stroke": 80.5,
    "rate": 30.0,
    "sensation": 0.0,
    "pattern": "Deeper",
    "vibration_override": false,
    "vibration_amplitude": 0.0,
    "vibration_frequency": 25.0

StrokeEngine Safety Limits

This API can be used to restrict the mechanical reach of the machine and limit the maximum speed attainable. These soft limits will be used to truncate any control value coming through the Control API or the streaming interface.

Defined in StrokeEngineSafetyService.h

Method URL Authentication
GET /rest/safety NONE_REQUIRED
Parameter Type Range Info Failure Mode
depth_limit number 0.0 - depth maximum depth of the motion truncated into range
stroke_limit number 0.0 - depth length of the stroke truncated into range
rate_limit number 0.5 - 600 maximum rate the machine is limited to truncated into range
velocity_limit number 0.0 - max_velocity velocity limit in mm/s for regular moves. Vibration is not affected by this limit truncated into range
heartbeat_mode number 0 - 1 selects the heartbeat mode and how to enter safestate if a client looses connection 1
ease_in_speed number 0.0 - 30.0 velocity in mm/s to ease in changes in stroke or depth or move to predefined depths truncated into range

Heart Beat Mode

Number Heartbeat Mode Description
0 "none" Heartbeat disabled
1 "any" Enter safestate if one connections drops
2 "last" Enter safestate when last connection drops

A client can safely disconnect if the machine is in standstill and any motion input disabled.


    "depth_limit": 120.0,
    "stroke_limit": 80.5,
    "rate_limit": 30.0,
    "heartbeat_mode": 0,
    "ease_in_speed": 5.0

StrokeEngine Environment read-only

This API will provide the information about the environment like maximum travel or maximum speed. This can be used by the UI to scale UI elements according to the machines real physical properties.

Defined in StrokeEngineEnvironmentService.h

Method URL Authentication
GET /rest/environment NONE_REQUIRED
Parameter Type Info
depth number maximum travel of the machine. Used for depth and stroke
max_rate number maximum rate in FPM that the machine is capable
max_velocity number maximum velocity in mm/s. Given by the maximum RPM and the gearing ratio.
heartbeat_mode number heartbeat mode. If > 0 the control message must be sent every second, regardless wether it has changed
patterns array of strings array of all available pattern names
valueA string Label of the valueA data stream
valueB string Label of the valueB data stream
motor string Which motor driver is loaded: VIRTUAL, GENERIC_STEPPER, OSSM_REF_BOARD_V2 or IHSV_SERVO_V6


    "depth": 150.0,
    "max_rate": 30.0,
    "heartbeat_mode": 1,
    "pattern": ["Depth Adjustment", "Streaming", "Pounding or Teasing", "Robo Stroke"],
    "valueA" : "Real Position",
    "valueB" : "Torque",
    "motor" : "IHSV_SERVO_V6"


Environment messages are always send with the flag retain and QoS = 1 to make it available for all new consumers. Environment messages are sent out whenever it connects to the broker or the topic is reconfigured. Additionally a MQTT client may request an environment JSON by sending a payload with "environment" to the environment topic.

StrokeEngine Streaming write-only

Instead of pattern the motion commands can be provided via this streaming interface, too. Messages are queued up with a queue length of 5. Writing to a full queue will result in the message being discarded. An empty queue will stop the motion. Changing command in the Control API will erase the queue. That way streaming always starts with a fresh queue. This service is write only. Changes won't propagate to other clients and a GET request will return an empty JSON.

Defined in StrokeEngineStreamingService.h

Method URL Authentication
POST /rest/streaming NONE_REQUIRED
WS /ws/streaming NONE_REQUIRED
Parameter Type Range Info Failure Mode
stroke number 0.0 - 1.0 relative length of the stroke, mapped to the true stroke length set by the control message truncated into range
duration number 0.0 - 60.0 duration of the stroke in seconds truncated into range
vibration_amplitude number 0.0 - 5.0 amplitude of a vibration overlay, 0.0 == off truncated into range or 0.0
vibration_frequency number 10.0 - 50.0 frequency in HZ of the vibration overlay truncated into range


    "stroke": 0.85,
    "duration": 2.21,
    "vibration_amplitude": 0.0,
    "vibration_frequency": 25.0

Motor Configuration

This REST endpoint configures the motor driver and important parameters during runtime. It starts with the VIRTUAL driver by default. The available driver depend on the hardware and build target.

Defined in MotorConfigurationService.h

Method URL Authentication
GET /rest/motorConfig IS_ADMIN
POST /rest/motorConfig IS_ADMIN
Parameter Type Info
driver string must match one of the available motor drivers VIRTUAL, GENERIC_STEPPER, OSSM_REF_BOARD_V2 or IHSV_SERVO_V6
driver_list array of strings A list of all available motor drivers for this particular build / board
steps_per_rev number How many steps the motor turns per revolution
max_rpm number Maximum RPM of the motor
max_acceleration number Maximum acceleration in [mm/s²]
pulley_teeth number Number of teeth on the pulley assuming a GT2 belt
invert_direction boolean can be used to change the direction of the machine
measure_travel boolean if set to true will initiate a measurement, if it is within the capabilities of the driver
home boolean if set to true it will initiate a homing cycle
travel number The mechanical travel from one endstop to the other
keepout number Soft endstop distance from hard endstop away. In mm on both sides
sensorless_trigger number Trigger value for sensorless homing in % of rated torque or rated current


    "driver": "IHSV_SERVO_V6",
    "driver_list": ["VIRTUAL", "GENERIC_STEPPER", "OSSM_REF_BOARD_V2", "IHSV_SERVO_V6"],
    "steps_per_rev": 2000,
    "max_rpm": 3000,
    "max_acceleration": 100000,
    "pulley_teeth": 20,
    "invert_direction": false,
    "measure_travel": false,
    "home": false,
    "travel": 160,
    "keepout": 5.0,
    "sensorless_trigger": 20,

Websocket Raw Data Streaming

Defined in WebSocketRawDataStreaming.h

A constant stream of position, velocity and other parameters are available on a websocket connection. These values are send in a binary CBOR format and contain an array of several data points for a given time slot. The binary format is chosen to save bandwidth and typically 5 data points are aggregated into one message to reduce the message rate. This can be used as a direct user feedback of what is happening with the machine.

Method URL Authentication
GET /ws/rawPosition NONE_REQUIRED
Parameter Type Info
time unsigned int time in milliseconds since device started
position float the real-time position in [mm]
speed float the real-time velocity in [mm/s]
valueA float An analog value the motor driver can send. e.g. current, force or torque
valueB float An analog value the motor driver can send. e.g. current, force or torque

Server Sent Events

The current motor state is updated every 500ms via SSE events. The following events are available:

Event Message Info
motor_homed "true" / "false" Wether the motor is currently homed or not
motor_error "true" / "false" Wether the motor is currently in error state or not